Hobo came out in June 1973. These are the press cuttings 1973 – 74.
The first interview with Lynne Greenwood of the Coventry Evening Telegraph featured Co-editors Trev Teasdel and John Bargent (Bo) in June 1973 for their Saturday On the Scene supplement.
This appeared earlier on June 23rd, also in On the Scene supplement with a paragraph taken from one of the articles in Hobo.
Virgin Records in Coventry were going to have Gong play in the loading bay behind the store but were refused. The quote from Hobo is marked.
This is the letter from Coventry Evening Telegraph in response to a letter about the RU18 squad (mentioned in another article here) that started Hobo and in response to us then creating Hobo and dropping off a copy.
The Coventry Review was a long standing free newspaper that was delivered house to house in Coventry. Brian Weeks did the weekly music column and hobo was featured in it a couple of times in 1974.
Coventry Review February 1974
Another letter from the Coventry Evening Telegraph March 1974 after dropping off the blue copy of Hobo – No3. The journalist addressed it to Dave Thomas by mistake. Dave’s address was on the same page as mine as he ran Golem Disco. Luckily Dave passed the letter on to me!
There are more Hobo cuttings related to the Hobo Workshop and the Shut Down Precinct Concert in other posts on here.