A Voice from ‘Flood and Fell’ James Gregor Grant 1877

A Voice from ‘Flood and Fell’ was written by James Gregor Grant (J.G.Grant) c 1877 for the and published also in Tweddell’s North of England Tractates No 17.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle
It is presented here as a pdf file to read on line or download via Google Drive – from the Tweddell Family Collection.

Grant’s narrative concerns a ‘couple of days rambling in Teasdale – around High Force where the River Tees begins’

Tweddell had planned to write about JG Grant in a second volume of  The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham – which actually was never printed. However he did make Tweddell’s Tractates. J.G. Grant was also author of Madonna Pia and other poems etc..
Rufus, Or, the Red King: A Romance. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Books/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=James%20Gregor%20Grant&page=1&rh=n%3A266239%2Cp_27%3AJames%20Gregor%20Grant

Facsimiles of  an original version of Madonna Pia can be see here on this site (priced £750) !!!
But there are copies on Amazon for about £17 ish! 

Here is A Voice from Flood and Fell by JG Grant published in Tweddell’s North of England Tractates 1877 in pdf form (use navigation tools to expand or click back to Google Drive to download free.

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