A Voice from ‘Flood and Fell’ was written by James Gregor Grant (J.G.Grant) c 1877 for the and published also in Tweddell’s North of England Tractates No 17.
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle
It is presented here as a pdf file to read on line or download via Google Drive – from the Tweddell Family Collection.
Grant’s narrative concerns a ‘couple of days rambling in Teasdale – around High Force where the River Tees begins’
Tweddell had planned to write about JG Grant in a second volume of The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham – which actually was never printed. However he did make Tweddell’s Tractates. J.G. Grant was also author of Madonna Pia and other poems etc..
Rufus, Or, the Red King: A Romance. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Books/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=James%20Gregor%20Grant&page=1&rh=n%3A266239%2Cp_27%3AJames%20Gregor%20Grant