“Cleveland’s Great Commoner” – George Markham Tweddell, Chartist and ‘Friend of the People’ who Spanned Two Centuries by Dave Walsh

Dave Walsh has published an article on his People’s Republic of Teesside website based on the Tweddell history.

Dave begins with –

“A year or so back I made brief mention of an historic local individual who, I firmly believe, warrants and deserves a far higher degree of attention from local Socialists than is presently the case.

I refer to George Markham Tweddell – a man who spanned the decades of the 19th century that saw the birth of local radicalism, the growth of Trades Unionism and the development of the early socialist movement – and who only died in 1903, by which time what we know as today’s Labour Party had been founded. Indeed, it can be said that Tweddell was unique in that he provided a local life-long link between Chartism, working class radicalism, involvement with the nascent workers movement and the beginnings of what we know as the modern Labour movement…”

Read the full article on Dave’s blog here – 


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