Octopodus – A Lockdown Novella by Trev Teasdel

Octopodus – (Lost in the Post) by Trev Teasdel
is a 16 chapter novella written chapter by chapter each day on Facebook and collated in the digital Novella. The book is not about Lockdown or the Pandemic but mirrors the atmosphere and fear and the media hysteria with the motifs of the Octopi and the Terrapin running through out the book. It’s a choreographed stream of consciousness (which sounds like a contradiction) initially taking it’s influence from the first page of the Cannery Row by John Steinbeck.

Red rusted ships, the smell of fish that rose on the wind from the docks, cranky cranes with crinkled cut chains and bread tin cabins, the tin pot tugs and plodding pilots by the river edge, and the red light bonking houses where the casinos squeal for money. I was lost in the post, out on my heel, befriended by fog and neon lamps.” 


An audio version of this book exists on Bandcamp, with the first three chapters set to much by Trev, the first chapter with three interlinking bass guitar tracks and the other two with electric guitar, effects and bass. The rest of the chapters are spoken word. You listen to the chapters here – 

Octopodus (Lost in the Post) by Trev Teasdel

Octopodus is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.

Octopodus by Trev Teasdel the written PDF is below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there’s a download arrow on Google drive). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gu2s7_z5DrY2tfsBIuyNjBzAJNcUONcf/view?usp=sharing

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