Parents Teachers Association

Both my Father and my mother were involved in the Parents Teachers Association in the mid 60’s and my mother became the secretary – I have posted two pupil lists from those days already on here – 1964 and 1966.

I was only vaguely aware of the things they did and was involved in a stall once on visiting day,but here’s a post from earlier days when it began from The Boarder July 1961 Issue 4 before I was at the school.


The progress made by the Parents Association in its first full year has been far and above anything we imagined could be achieved in so short a time. Starting with nothing, to raising £200 in twelve months, we feel is a beginning of which we can be justly proud.

As you are all aware, our aim is to raise money with which to help out the school funds in providing additional equipment for sport and entertainment for the boys’ spare time activities. We have been able to achieve this with the help and support of all the parents and helpers who have joined in our social gatherings. all those parents who have been able to attend the Social Evenings held at intervals throughout the year will know that they have achieved a two-fold purpose, firstly as a means of raising money, and secondly, which we consider of equal importance, as a means of the parents getting to know each other.

At the suggestion of the school staff, the Committee has spent a part of the funds to provide two fully equipped table tennis tables, cricket balls, athletics vests for the boys representing the school at outside sports meetings, indoor games for use in the dormitories and linen for remaking stage scenery. All parents will know that in addition, we were able to give a party for the boys, both in the Christmas and Easter holidays, which, we are assured, is something the boys are looking forward to having repeated in the future.

We sincerely hope that we shall have the opportunity of making the acquaintance of the parents of the new boys in the very near future, as we feel sure that we can help them get to know more about the school and its activities.

Information about the Association may be obtained from the secretary, Mr J.H MacDonald.”

And from the City of Coventry School brochure in 1962

Parents Association

Inaugurated September 1960, Subscription 2/6d per parent per annum. The aim of the Association is to promote a friendly atmosphere among parents and to enable them to meet and get to know the families of their boys’ school friends., at the same time to raise funds to be used for extra items not usually supplied out of school funds for the boys comfort and enjoyment. The Association extends a welcome to all new parents and assures them that the committee will be pleased to help them with any queries they may have. All Association activities are notified in advance in newsletters which are sent to all parents. All new parents are asked to attend the Annual General Meeting in September.  

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