A few pics taken recently from the school Facebook Page “I Survived Wyre Farm School”.
Photo is from Bill Vesper, there from 1951 until 1954.
The photograph is of a marionette performance organised by one of the teachers who was known as ‘ Potty Watts’ (a real nice guy).In the photograph the people are (from left to right) David Brown, Ken Andrews, Bill Vasper (that’s me) Gwyn Evans, Sparks, Watt, Bob Vasper and Maurice Quin.
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Photo Via Keith Ison |
Paul Nicholas Williamson “Martin Horobin, Trev Dodd. Martin Horobin was House Captain for Mortimer Sitting, second from right. The chap with the glasses on is Stuart Graham, younger brother of Richie.“
Photo from Dill Holmes
Rosemary Webb Rehill “Pete Germaine!!! Ha!! Those were the days!”
David Stuart “Clive Kingsley-Smith facing camera Pete Germaine. “
Dill Holmes Guy lying on deck I think was Derick Champion , chap on right I think was David Ott or Rankin”
Photo by Mike Godwin.
Photo from John Kitchener
Roy D Christon Radford House 1951
John Kitchener I was at Wyre Farm from 1951 to 1954 and I think the photo was around 1952. I was in Radford Dormitory and Mr Musgrove was the master. I am second from the right. the good looking one. My Cousin Peter Storrie was also in the same dormitory but at the other end.
I remember a big lad called Judge who now lives in Leyland Lancashire, and another lad called Franze muller but I have no idea where he is nowerdays. I am retired, 73 years old and live in Thornton Cleveleys Lancashire. I spend a lot of the summer in my static caravan in Brecon South wales.
Nice to hear from you.
Kind Regards
John Kitchener
Dill Holmes Correct, docked at Malaga l think. Lisburn was the first stop, I can’t remember which year though, more likely 70.
David Stuart Think you are right 70 remember Chris Green nearly through me overboard because I fixed his deckchair to collapse and he trapped his finger in it.
Nigel Tuckey I was on another one in December 71. We flew and toured around Venice before the ship left for Athens, Rhodes, Haifa, for Jerusalem & Bethlehem, and back to Venice.
Adrian Rosenlund Hudson There was also one in the late 70’s, which i couldn’t go on, but Jon Steane did.
Jon Andrew Steane Yes I did go on one, but it was March 1980, started in Yugoslavia, and went to Cyprus, Turkey, Santorini, Crete and finished up in Venice. George and Mrs. Parker went along to keep us under control. Now if I remember correctly there was Mark Babb, MarkShekespear, Rob Wood and Aubrey Wood, Mark Watson and Dean Watson, plus two more whose names escape me. Oh yes and I remember Sally Watson, not from the school but from Alcester. And I wonder if one of the other guys (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) remembers Mandy Bond?
Photo from Dil Holmes
Keith Ison Steve Mosey second from left middle row Pennington front row with stripped top.
Photo Stuart McDonald
Stuart McDonald I believe it was likely 63 or 64, but don’t have a date on the back of the photo.
Deli Kurbaga Mick Oh Yes Brings them Flooding Back up Clee Hill on a Sat with your Packed Lunch. Pack of sausages from the village Shop, light the fire and cook them up there. Great Times.
Christopher Applebey The path in the foreground leads to a gateway onto the roadside footpath. Just before it is a bench. Those of us who attended Methodist chapel (just to the right of where the dark car is parked in the middle of the photo) would wait on the bench until the one Methodist teacher (Baz (Ollie) Matthews) would turn up and then go in. If he didn’t we’d bunk off church! Non-Conformists 1, C of E 0.
Photo from Andy Gibson
Andy Gibson Yeah, that pic was ’78 or ’79 I think. Colour was the new black, as it were!!!
Martin Hull Victoria Bridge, Arley.
Photo from Jade Weaver
Hiya my grandad (Peter Gilberthorpe)
Is trying to find old friends from school 1953-1958 message me if anyone knows him , thanks x
From left to right , Dennis Naughton, Micheal lacy,….,David Scrivens ,…,Peter Gilberthorpe,….,teacher was Walter Clarke .
Tony Baker Yes I remember him, same class. Wally Clarke took us through from 2nd, 3rd and fourth year. John Davies is also in the picture, on the right of Dave Scrivens looking from front.
Ken Hammond He was House Master of Blount, before Jim Lovatt. He had a spaniel that would find dirty socks in your locker.